18 Apr 2018
1330 Reasons for DiGiCo

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Church @ 1330 in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, Australia is a vibrant, growing church with a multipurpose centre that is also utilised by the surrounding community for varied functions and events.
1330 Associate Pastor Trent Young approached Forefront for assistance in choosing an audio console upgrade solution that would suit their varied needs.
In the end a DiGiCo SD12 was selected and implemented with great results.
“We started looking for a replacement to our aging Yamaha M7 approx 12mths ago. We had a key number of must haves in our considerations.
Our 700 seat auditorium is used for both Sunday church services, as well as operating as part of our full time conference facility. We have lots of functions of vary types from school musicals to corporate presentations. We needed the flexibility for various types of events and varying levels of operators. We don’t have a staff tech personnel so Sundays need to be simple to reset.
We really wanted a stage soft patch solution to minimise set/reset times and to increase reliability. We needed the system to flip between dual (FOH & Mon) and single operators depending on the situation.
We considered multiple consoles and after discussion of our scope with Forefront, felt that the Digico SD12 ticked all the boxes.
We have installed multiple DiGiCo Racks with most of our stage permanently patched for both inputs and outputs.
The dual solo busses on the SD12, coupled with an iPad Pro allow us to have a fully separate monitor operator but quickly flip back to a single operator from the SD12 surface, if required.
The extensive onboard routing & matrixing, has allowed us to do customised stage & tech comms and all the various building feeds required.
We are able to do all we need and more. Being new to Digico, our team has picked it up really quickly and it sounds great!
Nick at Forefront was exceptional in supporting us through the sales process and then onsite with training for our team. We are looking forward to having this incredible resource for our church and conference venue.”
– Trent Young – Associate Pastor Church@1330
Forefront Productions – audio + lighting + video for 21st century churches
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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Nick Burns at +61 2 49544771 or email at
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