
30 Jul 2024

Live music inquiry – Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth public hearings

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts is holding its final round of interstate public hearings next week for its inquiry into the challenges and opportunities within the Australian live music industry.

The Committee is continuing to speak with industry stakeholders, including state and local organisations, peak bodies, and event organisers. It will also host several roundtables with musicians and venues.

Details of the public hearings are below. The inquiry terms of reference are available on the inquiry webpage and full programs for the hearings will be published on the inquiry webpage as finalised.

More information about the Committee, including membership, may be found on the Committee’s website.

Public hearing details

Date:          Monday, 5 August 2024

Time:          9.00am – 4.30pm [AEST]

Location:    Melbourne, Victoria

Date:          Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Time:          9.00am – 12.00pm [AEST]

Location:    Melbourne, Victoria

Date:          Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Time:          9.00am – 3.00pm [ACST]

Location:    Adelaide, South Australia

Date:          Thursday, 8 August 2024

Time:          9.00am – 3.00pm [AWST]

Location:    Perth, Western Australia

The audio of these hearings will be broadcast live via the Parliament’s YouTube channel.

Media inquiries

Mr Brian Mitchell MP, Committee Chair

03 6398 1115

For background information

Committee Secretariat

02 6277 2126


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