Flick Switch

P: 0439 881 003
E: contact@flickswitch.com.au
W: https://flickswitch.com.au/

Flick Switch is far more than a rigging rental company. We have built our business on delivering high quality solutions with years of experience in a wide variety of markets, including film, television, live events, international touring, and theatre.

With our years of experience in audio, lighting, screens, sets, (and the list goes on) we can go further than just the support rigging. We are also able to rig the equipment too. Planning and installing the power and data distribution, fixtures, fly systems, Audio, LED screens and other equipment, fine tuning, focusing and operating.

When you engage Flick Switch you can expect not just an extensive high-quality range of equipment, but highly personalised service, attention to detail, with safety always our highest priority.

Our client’s confidence and trust are at the core of our business. We aim to give you this peace of mind so you can focus on the creative delivery of your production.