Walter Gerin, in memory
Sydney audio industry identity Walter Gerin died today at Calvary Nursing Hospice in Sydney. Walter had terminal cancer. He was in denial until this week. His story is told by Jeff Stewart, a friend and a former employee. Jeff was forced to close the doors at Anything Audio, Walter’s company, last week. “He had a…
Read MoreSwampy – Grant Barron
I would like to add my appreciation of swampy. A fond memory we used to tour via me being an employee of JPS with numerous acts. I remember one time going into the production office and as I usually did and asked if it was ok for me to be booked on the next flight…
Read MoreI invented it, maybe…..
I found this while cleaning up the other day and remembered the discussion: the advert clearly states WE INVENTED IT. Did they? Hope this adds some evidence. Regards Tom Benson In Phase Productions Port Macquarie Well, Tom…… Those with nothing better to do should read Steve Devine’s entertaining story on this site go to article…
Read MoreHiistory pix from John Pryzibilla
A few more pictures, this time of the rigs for some classic Australian rock bands. And words from John Pryzibilla, in Adelaide. This is a web-site of interest to me, because I worked in the industry from the late sixties to 1980, doing some lighting and early stage pyro, but mainly doing sound. I worked…
Read MoreHistory early 80’s and pics
This is history. Kevin was there when crew didn’t wear shirts, and when OH&S wasn’t invented. These pictures show a different world, with some different equipment on the Australian scene too. Come into the time machine, as we go BACK to the early 1980’s. And while you are with us, skip over to the HISTORY…
Read MoreSteve Devine on History and Drugs
I just found an error in your website at: HISTORY! “In 1978, the 12″ box truss and winch-up stand was invented by either Phil Salmon, or Richard White’s Rock Industries (depending on which legend you listen to!)“ Well actually old chap the story goes like this….. In about 1977 or so, I was based in Canberra lighting…
Read MoreJock Bain on Swampy
We remember Swampy: I was checking out your moving description of Swampy’s funeral and Gig, and I speak for all of the Oz crew here in England this summer, Chris Pyne, Andy Greenhall, myself,Tony Szabo,and I’m sure all the others who are out touring the pound, when I say how sad we are for Kerrie…
Read More1990’s tech production history
In the early nineties in Melbourne you wanted to work for Troy Balance or McLean Audio. Troy’s seemingly had hundreds of Meyer MSL 3’s and UPA’s, mostly powered by Yamaha amplifiers, Yamaha PM 2000’s, 3000’s, Lexicon Processors and all in really nice wood grain racks and road cases. I still remember how easy it was…
Read MoreFlashbacks from Phil Eastik
More threading of the travails of the road, as Adelaide reader and industry veteran (love the ‘V’ word) Phil Eastick has some flashbacks… The photo is of Spy Matthews, the genuine article, pinched from the Delicate Productions site. Spy is a true legend, along with Scrooge, Swampy and Billy Rowe, Spy worked with Skyhooks, Billy…
Read More1990 and beyond
This was the year that interest rates went past 20% while inflation was running hard at 12%. That sure stopped things! A very quiet start to the decade. THE NINETIES TO THE PRESENT In 1990, nothing much happened. Australia’s entertainment industry had its quietest year as recession bit with a vengeance. Electro-Voice (Aust) commissions…
Read MoreThe 1980’s
Once the 1980’s arrived, technology as we now know it was birthing. Those double 4 way PAs were the breeding ground for more compact composite boxes. Moving lights came in the middle of the decade. THE EIGHTIES A new decade dawns. Everyone is using double 4-way PA’s loaded with JBL 2220, 2225 and with…
Read MoreBygone times
Everyone was doing it! What made up a double 4 way PA. Where the RayLight came from. How the decade ended! This chapter in our growing history opus names some of the newly evolving regional players in the production industry. Those were the days, huh? There’s plenty of un-identified people for you to name. Email…
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