NSW’s ‘Great Southern Nights’ a fizzer for our industry
Announced with great hype a month ago, NSW’s vaunted ‘Great Southern Nights’ programme is a let-down for live production
Read MoreCoping with sudden change: “Does humour belong when there’s no music?”
Now that our gig economy suddenly has no gigs, we are each of us responding in different manners. We are all coming to terms with someone telling us we can’t do what we love.
Read MoreDuncan Fry – Par 43 Launch
Duncan Fry puts a tentative toe into to the murky waters of lighting… A CX History extract from July-Sept 2007.
Read MoreCOVID-19 – The travel bans are temporary. This too shall pass.
Microsoft has cancelled the Melbourne leg of its ‘IoT in Action’ event series. This comes on the heels of multiple event cancellations across the country. Production companies and their staff are bearing the brunt of irrational panic.
Read MoreCry havoc and let slip the junkyard dogs
DUNK’S WORLD Cry havoc and let slip the junkyard dogs by Duncan Fry. According to Jim Croce, Bad Bad Leroy Brown was meaner than a junkyard dog. That’s a bit harsh on junkyard dogs – we had one next door to us at ARX for quite a few years, so draw close you youngsters, and…
Read MoreMind Health – How Tech is Consuming our Crew Brains
OPINION Mind Health – How Tech is Consuming our Crew Brains by Julius Grafton. I love smart. I hire smart – witness Jason Allen (editor of this publication), Jimmy Den Ouden (our former tech editor), and Simon Byrne who writes here, and works with me in and outside on various ventures. Plenty more of these…
Read MoreIntegration Control – Don’t Make Me Think
CX JULY THEME: CONTROL Integration Control – Don’t Make Me Think by Simon Byrne. Some of you would have read my piece about the incomprehensible state of house light controls in last month’s edition of CX. I see a lot of the same problems in the installed control systems as part of installations. That…
Read MoreMoving the Wall of Vinyl
DUNK’S WORLD Moving the Wall of Vinyl by Duncan Fry. They say that vinyl (as in records, not wet-look trousers) is making a comeback. As I look at my wall of 12” LPs I realise that for a lot of us it never went away! The reason I was looking at the…
Read MoreA Traveller’s Tale: Flying High on the A380
DUNK”S WORLD A Traveller’s Tale: Flying High on the A380 by Duncan Fry. I see on the news that Airbus is ceasing production of its jumbo-riffic giant of the skies – the A380, citing changing tastes in passenger’s plane requirements. It turns out it’s a bit thirsty, and needs to be full of passengers…
Read MoreBlowing Up (It Wasn’t Just Pyro)
TOURING Blowing Up (It Wasn’t Just Pyro) by Julius Grafton. The things that went wrong resonate same as the golden moments. Gold when everyone is happy, the show is sold out, sounds and looks great, and money flows where intended. But the sticky brown moments are our great test and they could come hard…
Read MoreA Christmas AV Fable – Cruella under the spotlight
By Anonymous* Cruella de AV steered her Roller into the car park and ascended the unswept stairs to the regional office. Sue the receptionist quaked in fear at her desk, the six incoming phone lines unlit and five staff upstairs unaware of what was to happen. ‘Who are YOU?’ Cruella spat. Without waiting for an…
Read MoreSnow Job – The Projector from the Smithsonian
DUNKS WORLD Snow Job – The Projector from the Smithsonian by Duncan Fry. It’s been a great season for the snowfields this year, so my gf said “Let’s go to the snow for a long weekend. We can stay in the town, and catch the shuttle bus up the mountain. What do you think?” Ah,…
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