Tech Tidal Wave. Strap yourself in, the surge has started

Singapore has commenced its autonomous taxi trial this week. A startup called nuTonomy got the jump on Google, Uber, Apple, Tesla and Mercedes Benz who all desperately want to own the self driving car ‘space’. Uber didn’t exist in Australia three years ago and is now the largest ‘taxi’ transport entity there, but it lost…

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Masters of nothing. How to lose a lazy billion

Biz Talk, By Julius Grafton About fifteen years ago McDonalds brought a US concept restaurant to Sydney called Boston Market. They built nine stand-alone restaurants and quickly discovered Aussies like their roast dinners different to Americans. What? No roast LAMB? What kind of place is this? They also had a revelation that costs here are…

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Going for broke. Guide to Bankruptcy

By Julius Grafton Somehow I found myself talking to a couple of friends who are recently bankrupt. One just filed, the other was recently discharged. I thought their experiences were worth sharing. “I went home and told my wife my business was collapsing”, Andrew* said. “Her first reaction was ‘oh my God, we’ll lose the…

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The Solo – Fun times on the road

Bands – ya gotta love em. Some of them take themselves so seriously – it’s not entertainment, it’s art. Others are far more pragmatic, seeing a pub gig simply as a means to an end (and whose end, you may well ask?), a way to keep a room full of drunks happy for three hours.…

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Often it’s the lack of experimentation with room treatment that leaves many a home recording sounding thin, resonant and harsh. Left unchecked, untreated room reflections can severely impact upon the clarity and focus of direct signals into a microphone, though initially this may be hard to judge. It’s often only when mix compression is applied…

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Using WHS as an aggression tool

It was long enough ago but still flashes into my mind whenever I’m being actually pure and nice and someone is being directly mean and nasty in return. We were doing an outdoor gig at Katherine in the N.T., and at the end the modest fireworks display absolutely delighted the indigenous kids. They were amazed,…

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M F Lights – The world’s shortest lighting career

  The downside of having a nice big truck to drive the PA around in was that bands always wanted you to go and pick up the lights from the lighting company for them, and take them to the gig in your nice big truck. And then, of course, take them back the following morning.…

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PEACE UPON YOU [from a great height]

LL, the drummer for the Harris Tweed band popped into the factory the other day, and over a coffee we started reminiscing over funny things that have happened in the course of earning a living. Mine have been well documented [some might say ad nauseam!]in this column but he has had no-one to write his down…

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How I started the Bathurst Bike Riot of 1980

Well it wasn’t me alone. Grub had a lot to do with it. I collected him and the bass player from Littlewing at their place in Five Dock. We loaded their stage gear into my production truck, a Ford F350, and we drove the three hours out west over the mountains to Bathurst. It was…

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By rights, no-one should even remember the MP3 format by now, any more than people can remember Betamax or Hi-8 tapes in the video industry. Somewhere along the line the audio industry was sold a miserable lie that has all but poisoned our capacity to advance the hi-res digital cause. It’s time we woke up from…

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When it comes to audio production, one thing is certain; there are no rules. And for that we can thank people like Geoff Emerick of Beatles fame (amongst others). He used to break rules on a daily basis: put mics close to drum kits, feed line-level signals back into mic preamps, man-handle spools while the analogue…

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