The gig was called Metal for Melbourne – a celebration of Heavy Metal music from eight bands who would have won prizes as Spinal Tap clones, but in this case they weren’t intending to be funny! I made sure I packed my ear plugs for this one! What is it with metal bands? A bigger…
Read MoreWrecking in the USA: A Traveller’s Tale
Where have all the big, glossy, chrome filled metal monsters of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies gone? You know, the ones that immediately spring to mind when someone says “American Cars”. Southern California – to many people it means Disneyland and Universal Studios; to others it means freeways and traffic jams. Twenty seven million people…
Read MoreLet’s do the time warp again?
No, let’s not. Please, just let it go I won’t be going to any of them, since I heard quite enough of old showtunes when growing up with my parents. Not only did they insist on dragging me along to things like High Society, Carmen Jones, South Pacific, Porgy and Bess etc. etc., and if that…
Read MoreThe Merchants of Venice (Airport)
Forget the pound of flesh, how about an ounce of customer service? (attrib. William Shakespeare) Some journeys start off badly but get better. Others start off OK but get worse. This one is the latter! Once again Colin, my partner-in-crime at ARX, and I were heading off…
Read MoreMal and me: Memories of working for the late 22nd Prime Minister of Australia
When I used to mix bands full time, and lived the strangely nomadic, semi-nocturnal life of the working sound engineer, casual acquaintances would often ask me, “What do you do for a living?” If I replied that I worked in the Live Sound industry and did the sound for bands, their reaction was usually one…
Read MoreThe Bamboo Train: More traveller’s tales from the mysterious East
“Sugar Cane ate my brain, when I drove on the Bamboo Train…” (Apologies to Robbie Robertson from The Band for the misheard lyrics from his song ‘The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down’) After a couple of weeks holiday in Vietnam, my gf and I organised to go to Phnom Penh, in neighboring Cambodia, since…
Read MoreWelcoming 2015, Hanoi style: A New Year’s Eve traveller’s tale
‘Hanoi rocks, scooters roll, pedestrians just try to cross the road’ Regular readers of this column (who they, Dunk? Ed) may remember me writing a few years ago about how I’d never been to Vietnam, despite the offer of an all-expenses paid trip from the government back in the early 70s. As luck would have…
Read MorePush out the Cowboys. Why we need ACCREDITATION
Our lead news story in December CX shows at least one government events department thinks we should work for nothing. They didn’t just decide to cut their sound and lighting budget by 75%. Someone is prepared to do the work. My solution is to accredit legitimate operators, using an industry scheme. It would be simple…
Read MoreAvoid Commonwealth Bank of Australia
You have choices, and anyone considering a bank would be well advised to avoid the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, or CBA as it is better known. This is harsh advice, but I will make the case now. For example presently CBA are under pressure to pay well over a hundred million dollars (stop and consider…
Read MoreHow Market Power is Abused
Coles face fines of $200 million In 2011 Coles supermarket chain merchandise director John Durkan had a brilliant idea. He approved a plan to hit on 200 suppliers and demand money. The way retail has worked for the past thousand years or so is that suppliers sell goods to retailers, who then mark up and…
Read MoreWhat Woodie Wanted
Talking about male cancer issues is REALLY freaking boring. I know, I track what you click. If I write about a punk who runs a crap festival and rips off crew, you click 28 x more than if it is about men stuff. Especially THIS man stuff, cancer of the gland that helps you ejaculate.…
Read MoreBand by name alone. When should a band name extinguish?
CX learned a long time ago that music fans get riled about whether ‘their’ band has been dissed. So when Australian Story detailed the terminal illness and decline into loneliness of former Angels front man Doc Neeson, we had some flaming. Because we suggested (on Facebook) that it was time to put the band name…
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