Biz Talk: Mad Crazy Money

It was back to the future at CX Roadshow when I did an encore performance of my Crazy Money seminars from 2012. They were very popular then, and again this summer, pitched at small businesses that are the backbone of entertainment. Almost every freelancer is a small business, and we had plenty from all walks…

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Studio Dummy Spit

Normal on Friday, demolished on Monday Amazing stories sometimes take a few years to ferment and for the shock and residual dismay to wash off. This is one superb example. We had Julius Events College inside a warehouse near Parramatta and reasoned adding on a working recording studio would be a handy foil against the…

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Passion and Money: the lo$$e$ I don’t regret

  You’re looking at an Australian Monitor AM 1600 mosfet power amplifier, made by my firm and designed by Stuart McLean. Greg Hicks was the foreman at the factory we set up behind Graftons Sound and Lighting in Campbell street east Sydney in 1986. Hundreds of these still solider on, testimony to the brutal engineering.…

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Bad Reps. Pick the ‘A’ team!

Every February the CX team tour Australia and meet a lot of industry types, covering all corners of our exciting niche industry. Plus we get to travel with up to 70 product specialists. Some of them are ‘product reps’. Not sure why, but of late the discussion has centred on just how good most of…

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Inside the NEW Sydney Exhibition Centre @ Glebe Island

SYDNEY: CX today toured the completed Sydney Exhibition Centre at Glebe Island, (SEC@GI), a temporary venue intended to provide trade show space until the new International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney), Exhibition Centre and Theatre open in late 2016. The exhibition industry are sweating on the temporary facility delivering the goods. Joyce DiMascio, Chief Executive,…

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Another gig. Another Lightie Screws it up! And about PYRO……

Disturbed at the pontoons loaded with ordinance floating near the publisher pile at Birchgrove, I took a flight as far south as possible to escape New Years Eve. Hobart was booked solid, so I settled for Launceston. Surely they’ve never heard of Foti or met any of the Howard Sons down there, I reasoned? But…

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Done an excellent gig – and they won’t pay you!

UPDATED 3 January, 2014. While CX is certain every performer and contractor associated with the amazingly bungled NYE Water Party at Village Roadshow’s new Wet’n’Wild park in Sydney was paid in full by the promoter, there’s plenty of tales of woe associated with no payment or part payment generally. No one has contacted CX to…

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You want DRUMS with that?

Just briefly – having a quiet few while my mate Chris Mysinski mixes for Peter Northcote at the regular Balmain Sunday Drive gig at The Bridge Hotel. The usual random lineup happens from Northcote’s crony world, which goes to the charm of the whole Sunday (before 7pm) rock gig cover song thing. This drummer, who…

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Finally a retro band worthwhile: Misex

Although gazillions drive past the old Bridge Hotel at Rozelle few know the joys within. Living in the leafy millionaire’s row at Wahroonga while lamenting the lack of a said million or three, I was too far away to explore classic venues like this. Except for one miserable night earlier in 2012 attempting to identify…

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Chicago parties while Telstra fumbles

Eventually you arrive and if direct from Sydney it will be night. My hotel is simply called PUBLIC and the doorman had to weave and duck through a heaving reception area between two bars loaded with young creatures very similar to those pictured. Indeed a group of girls were posing for a photo right in…

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Mouthy Bully Bosses beware

Finally the bully bosses are being hauled to account, with the University of the Sunshine Coast yesterday ordered to pay $364,000 in damages after an ‘executive’ verbally abused a female security guard in 2008. Mark Bradley was named as the assailant, and the university failed to properly investigate the guard’s complaint that he yelled and…

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Finally, an offer we can understand!

This one got through the CX Network spam filter, and we thought it could be good for someone. I am Paul Howard Prince. I have been a close friend and lawyer to Muammar Gaddafi the former president of Libya for 15 years, Gaddafi’s death have caused pains. He refused to heed my advice to vacate…

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