What have they done to The Basement??
Periodically, some of the editorial team from CX hangs out in a social context. Funny, since you’d think that after a week of hurling mutual abuse around we’d have seen enough of each other. Thing is that we all like good music played by good musicians in a good venue where the sound is good. …
Read MoreBob’s Sound Rant fires up
Guitar legend Bob Spencer (Finch, Skyhooks, Angels and more) fired off about Live Sound engineers on Facebook, here. “You go to the gig and put your trust and the safety of your ears (and the audiences) in a sound engineer you don’t know, hoping that when the publican says the sound engineer is ‘great’, he…
Read MoreIt’s a NEW Orleans
Before the storm almost wiped The Big Easy off the map, it was a gritty place. We felt unsafe there, and didn’t plan a return. Until the opportunity arose to share the 61st birthday of Gino Vannelli coincided with our flight home from the Infocomm convention in Orlando. From the air it is impossible not…
Read MoreThe Problem for Women in the Industry
By Jason Allen On International Women’s Day (March 8), I read an article by musician, producer and blogger Madeleine Bloom about her experiences working tech support at DAW company Ableton. Noticing only a very small percentage of people contacting her were women, she dug into the numbers for confirmation – only 7% of Ableton’s registered…
Read MoreFailure is when you don’t try
(By Julius) 16 August 2012 Just this morning as the winter cold ebbed and spring glanced my way, I pondered the most traumatic business week of my life, 21 months ago. It was the week I decided to shut Julius Events College, and it happened in November 2010. What cascaded from that has shaped me.…
Read MoreAmerican Service Standards Slip
As CX enters day 3 of the Infocomm reconnoiter, we suspect some big problems have emerged with customer service standards. At entry to Terminal 5 on Tuesday 12 June, passengers had a longer-than-remembered queue. Four agents were assigned to 300 people. That math means a log wait, which we had. More than 70 minutes –…
Read MoreSorry girls! Not wanted in tech production
It’s like something out of 1980 – todays contemporary production has females with clipboards, staffing security checkpoints, and sometimes managing something. Blokes are men and chicks are chicks – or chooks. At the FOH desk, monitor console, rigging lights and vision, and serving up the stage or the backline, it is an ole’ boys club.…
Read MorePrince Lighting errors – defined
This month’s CX carries a tale of lights done wrong, at least according to the writer. Unsure whether the lighting states we complained of were in the script, we emailed the lighting designer a draft, hoping to put the correct inflection. The show has been seen by a hundred thousand of us in Australia, and…
Read MoreBig Co Management, Big balls?
CX is a sucker for disaster tales, and the theatre of the daily business news is always fertile. Exit the guy in charge of Boral, the building conglomerate in Australia. He (Mark Selway, lawyers please direct communications to our new law firm, Sue Grabbit and Runn) was slayed in the media today for ‘micro managing’…
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