28 Mar 2018
CMG Audio Visual launch new Meyer Sound Rental Division

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L to R – John Mc Mahon (Meyer), Don Mc Connell (Audio Brands Aust), Tobi Pinazza (CMG AV), Steve Biermann (CMG AV), Helen and John Meyer, Ben Wright (CMG AV), Antonio Zacarias (Meyer), Aaron Taylor (CMG AV), Chris D’bais (Meyer).
Australia’s first Meyer Sound LYON and 1100-LFC System has been confirmed for local arrival in mid-2018. A new benchmark in large-scale system performance, clarity and versatility, CMG Audio Visual are extremely excited to announce a large acquisition of new LYON and 1100-LFC elements, MJF-210 stage monitors, as well as a substantial increase in our existing inventory of LEOPARD and 900-LFC.
Suitable for large Australian arenas, theatres and stadiums, this new world-class sound system from the award-winning LEO Family of Meyer Sound loudspeakers is popular with an abundance of leading artists including Metallica, Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber and Marc Anthony, further demonstrating our commitment to supplying the best solutions for our clients and event partners.
At the local demo of Meyer Sound’s new compact LINA System in Sydney on Thursday 22 March, Tobi Pinazza, General Manager and Technical Director of CMG Audio Visual said that “we’re very excited by the opportunity to support both local and international touring productions with a turnkey product that is highly regarded and in demand. The establishment of our new rental house division is a significant step forward for us as a company, coinciding nicely with our growth locally. Meyer’s LYON and 1100 are absolutely incredible, and we can’t wait to offer them to the Australian market.”
This investment places CMG Audio Visual in a highly advantageous position, with a complete solution that is labour efficient, lightweight and extremely powerful. Able to be deployed by itself or supplement a portion of a much larger international tour, CMG AV can confirm there has been much interest in the new system already. LYON’s flexibility, scalability and ultra-low distortion make it an attractive tool for almost any project, ranging from EDM festivals to outdoor symphony performances, with the level of musical detail, speech intelligibility and low end all synonymous with the quality Meyer Sound has long been renowned for globally.
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