
19 Jun 2023

Creative Australia announces new bodies: Music Australia and Creative Workplaces

The Federal Government’s recently passed Creative Australia Bill 2023 sees the creation of two new governing bodies within Creative Australia, the new name for the Government’s principal arts investment and advisory body (previously Australia Council for the Arts).

Backed by $69m in funding over four years, Music Australia is designed to deliver targeted support and investment into Australia’s contemporary music industry to rebuild and realise its local and global potential.

A Council of eight representatives, with relevant and appropriate experience in music, will be appointed by the Minister for a term of four years. Appointments to the Council will be made by the Minister.

Their role is to advise the Board about the responsibilities of Music Australia, which are:

  • supporting and promoting Australian contemporary music practice
  • supporting and promoting the development of markets and audiences for Australian contemporary music.

The Chair of the Council is the CEO of Creative Australia. A director of Music Australia will be appointed by the CEO, in consultation with the Minister.

The other body – Creative Workplaces – is designed to raise and set workplace standards across all art forms, with organisations seeking federal Government funding being expected to adhere to these standards.

According to Arts Minister Tony Burke, “Australia’s artists and creatives are essential workers. They deserve safe workplaces and fair pay, like any other worker. Creative Workplaces will ensure that.”

Reflecting a refreshing change in federal support for our industry, these initiatives are part of the broader Revive strategy. Minister Burke continues: “Contemporary music in Australia has been ignored by government for too long. Music Australia will change that. We want to make sure that the soundtrack to life in Australia has contemporary Australian music there for every single beat.”

There is more to come too. Future legislation will embed a First Nations led body within Creative Australia and also establish Writer’s Australia.

More information can be found online here:


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