
4 Aug 2014

DPA d:facto™ Vocal Microphone makes it to the finals of The Voice

The highly successful third season of The Voice has found a significant improvement in the vocal delivery for the live broadcast.

Senior Audio Director of The Voice, John Simpson speaks about his experience with the d:facto:

Where did you first hear about DPA D:Facto?

“JPJ’s Brad Adamson told me he had some on demo and we were keen to try them on a couple of TV shows we were working on.”

Why did you want to give them a try?

“We know DPA has a great reputation for high quality mics and I haven’t been happy with any capsules on the RF systems we have been using.”

The first time you brought up the faders, what did you think?

“Well we won’t be needing that old EQ curve anymore.”

How does it sound?

“Natural, present and uncoloured, like having a top notch studio condenser available as RF.”

In what way are the mics different to others you’ve tried?

“We don’t have to process anywhere near as much as we used to and everything sounds better, vocalists and presenters, male or female.”

What differences do the mics make to your mixing process?

“Much easier to sit voices in a mix at Monitors, FOH and Broadcast”

Have you had any feedback on the mics from the artists or production crew?

“The Vocal Coach for the Voice thinks they are a significant step up from anything he has heard and is very impressed as are the operators at Monitors, FOH and Broadcast.”

The new d:facto II guarantees users exceptional DPA sound with popular existing wireless systems such as Sony, Lectrosonics, Shure, and Sennheiser as well as a hard wired version .

For more information contact Amber Technology


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