18 Jun 2003
Jock Bain on Swampy
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We remember Swampy: I was checking out your moving description of Swampy’s funeral and Gig, and I speak for all of the Oz crew here in England this summer, Chris Pyne, Andy Greenhall, myself,Tony Szabo,and I’m sure all the others who are out touring the pound, when I say how sad we are for Kerrie and the girls. We remember the breath of Big World Touring that he brought to the Australian touring scene. He’ll be much missed.
I worked last week in Le Mans for the 24Hr race, a 20,000 punter freebie, and the only sadness was the news of his death, and it affected English crew as well, John (Mad)Maxwell, Sel, Darragh and Fraggle from the Jamiroqai crew, Rick Pope, Duncan, Dave Poynter and all of us from Brit Row ,we were all dimmed by the news.
I hope that the trust fund for Kerrie fills up fast.
As a side line, I also checked out your history of Aussie Crews, a bit Sydney oriented (As a JoJo Zep and Sports trainee, I’m biased!) But the mystery bloke in the middle of two Business-jet pilots is no roadie, it’s Grant Thomas, then brother of Sharon O’neill guitarist Bruce, then manager of Crowded House. And as soon as I finish this I’m emailing Tony Szabo in Portugal with Bryan Adams with the blackmailable shot of him and Fatcat!
If only I could scan all my old polaroids! All those lovely Pics of Rangers and Oranas! Cheers mate, I’ll be checking this site a lot from now on.
Robert (Jock) Bain
Yep…it’s Noddy. Been in the U.S. for almost 14 years. I hope you’re well.
Glad you’re covering Swampy’s passing. Major tragedy. Thanks for keeping his spirit alive. He deserves it! He was (and still is) one of the most special people ever in the industry. Keep talking about him (he’d hate that!).
Mark “Noddy” O’Donnell
The article on swamp was great. Who would believe that accolades would fall on to the great shoulders of just a roadie. I will sign on to your email newsletter and at least get some info regarding the great ozzie rock industry.
Thanks for the memories. The v cut in the t shirt, the smile, the good companionship, the willingness to teach and to show. The great laugh, the fun times in a truck barreling down the highway. The ease that he handled all situations good or bad. A good friend, a gentleman and extremely good at his job. May he always be remembered for all that he accomplished and the precedents that he set.
Kerrie, Nichole and Tamara I am sorry for your loss.
Russell Kidner
I was just shocked to receive the news of Swampy. I remember very clearly driving around the backwaters of Musslebrook trying to get to our first Stars gig with Swampy in their Ford 350 just after he had arrived back from the UK to restart his life in Oz must have been around 78 79 I think.
Fat Cat had broken his leg in Melbourne or somewhere and there was Swampy coming to the rescue (although we left the spare tyre there after the gig!) and since then can remember spending many amazing days & nights with that man.
I’m in the US with Beck and will be going out to tell some stories and have a beer in his honor he was truly a gentleman of our industry.
Both mine & Jane’s hearts go out to Kerry & her family today, Thanks for this website it’s great to have a touch of home, Life’s all too short isn’t it ?
Jon Lemon
Well, it’s a while on down the road now, we all move on. We are a diverse and scattered bunch to say the least. Not to mention Knarley! Survivors to spite ourselves!
This is a heads up to anyone who may still be looking here in memory of Swampy! I didn’t sign on earlier, as that is when everyone wants to put in their two bobs worth. Not that it is not needed & respectful at the time, but anyone who really knows me knows I watch & wait.
For all my gruff exterior growing up! Any how! Here’s to Swampy, my big brother!
Contribute your recollections of Swampy and your feelings.
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