Subscribe to CX E-News is an Australian digital-only publication covering music technology in all its forms and uses, from DJs pumping out EDM bangers, to experimental artists pushing the boundaries of art and technology, and everything in between. focuses on the culture and artists that work in the Australian music technology community, with pages dedicated to promoting their works and events. It has a heavy emphasis on video content, supported by its social presence on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. feature news and releases, promote gigs, and creates content for artists that are using technology to make music. mutech wants to hear about everything going on in the community and amplify it on its channels. Artists can send info, promos, releases, and talk to us about creating content about what you’re doing by emailing us at or DMing mutech on its our socials. is particularly interested in interviewing artists about their creative processes and gear, and creating video content with them. If you or anyone you know is up for that, let us know! Of course, we do all of this for no cost to the artist.
More About Us
Jason Allen – Director – VCS Creative Publishing: Jason owns the trade magazine CX, which has been in print and online for over 30 years. It’s a professional magazine for AV and live production professionals. Jason started mid 2024 because his background is in electronic music production (mostly experimental). Jason also worked as a live sound engineer for the best part of 10 years, and ran the Commercial Audio division of Yamaha Australia for seven.
Andy Stewart – Editorial Director – Andy runs The Mill Studio , and is famous in international audio circles as an engineer and producer. Andy and The Mill are known for recent albums including Gotyé’s Making Mirrors (which won three Grammys, including Independent Album of the Year in 2012), legendary artist Paul Kelly’s Spring and Fall, and Brighter Later’s The Wolves.
Paul French – Sales and Content – Paul owns and runs Silk Studios in Brunswick, VIC, and spent the last 5 years as editor of Mixdown Magazine