29 Nov 2017
Rumours, Bits and Bytes. 29 November 2017

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Not all Zen and Acceptance at Cat Stevens …. we hear the L.D. has departed. Trudy Dalgleish and Jason Fripp have stepped in.
Jands will distribute QSC M.I. in Australia (not NZ) which includes powered and passive loudspeakers, amplifiers and small mixing systems. The QSC Q-Sys platform remains with TAG, as do some install lines.
The Australian music industry had many doors opened by the rampaging hard working Young brothers. After showing that Australia was an incubator for charting music, they just did things their own way. Many tech crew benefitted and the band brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of people. As the most successful Australian’s in the rock biz, we wish farewell to Malcolm Young who died too early from the most horrible affliction. (Thanks Bob King for the photo).
Brisbane production guy Lester “Doc” Jurott says he is a “little perplexed” that Sarah Winyard, 21, didn’t have a conviction recorded after running his dad Graham off his motorbike, causing his death. CX extend condolences to Lester and the family.
Suzi Brandstater won a National Achievement Award at the National Training Awards in Canberra during November. She recently retired from Picton High School, where she ran the Entertainment VET course. Over the past fifteen years her gradates form the largest cohort of VET graduates working in the industry. CX suspects she has produced more successful WORKING tech crew than any of the three letter colleges that charge astronomic fees: JMC, SAE and AIM.
But woe becoming the audio operator at the Awards. “There would have been ‘words’ if it had been my kids operating”, Suzi said. “He forgot to turn the mic on for the first phrases of the national anthem. Then forgot to turn on the volume for the featured singer’s backing track. She made them start again. So many missed cues. Including forgetting to turn the audio up for MY testimonial!” CX declines to name the guy and his company, but requests that they provision competent operators in future. Perhaps they should talk to Suzy about training?
- We had some varied comment on the above when we posted on CX Magazine facebook, here.
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