18 Jun 2014
What Woodie Wanted

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Talking about male cancer issues is REALLY freaking boring. I know, I track what you click. If I write about a punk who runs a crap festival and rips off crew, you click 28 x more than if it is about men stuff. Especially THIS man stuff, cancer of the gland that helps you ejaculate. Yes I wrote that, take note if you sometimes actually have pleasure as it was – and is – intended that you do!
I personally smashed prostate cancer out of the court, (STORY HERE) and in doing so elevated myself to euphoric levels of self congratulation. I now risk losing audience at CX Network. But I promised Ian Woodhouse I would pursue the issue of Prostate Cancer. I danced around it in my media a while back, watching the ratings as I did it. Now I don’t freaking care about ratings.
Woody came to see me in 2006 because he was worried CX would crucify him over the collapse of his audio import firm. He wanted me to know why he had failed, despite his unblemished track record and career.
He gave me the rundown. This is what we wrote about it. But last year we (the audio community) buried Woody. The church was FULL. His story matches that of my dear mate and lead CX lawyer Ross McGlynn. Here it is:
Imagine the healthiest man in the room, he’s never had a day off work, never needed a doctor (this is Ross, a lawyer that I respect and love).
Ross gets a pain in the hip that doesn’t go away, then the eventual bone scan shows prostate cancer has escaped into his bones. He is drugged, radiated and ends up calling me in gasping tones. “I have a catheter in me (I had this, no big deal). I can’t sleep more than one hour.”
Ends up in a hospice. You know what that means? It drags on. And on. And on. You don’t piss. You don’t crap. You don’t eat. You don’t sleep. You puke. Your eyeballs fill with blood. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Die.
Prostate Cancer is a silent killer, it doesn’t announce itself.
So men and boys, this is a short sharp CX campaign to get you all to wake up and have a medical. It is a slow media death (for CX) to keep banging on about this, but it will be a slow dreadful death for you if you are like Woody or Ross and mess about.
If you didn’t click the link to read MY prostate story, the very brief info is that it was detected early, it was a violent strain, and I had the thing removed post-haste. I am free of cancer, and enjoyed a complete recovery. Had I not had my annual medical last November, I would now be condemned to die.
That is what Woody wanted. For men to stand up, and take responsibility.
Act. Now. Live. Love!
Good bless Ian Woodhouse.
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